PUPS Gummalapuram

Panchayat Union Primary School (PUPS) in Gummalapuram village is located near Karnataka-Tamilnadu border. Affordability and accessibility to quality education is an issue in the area and in many nearby villages. The whole stretch is a beautiful agriculture/greenhouse zone spread across 2000 acres of land and there are more than 5000 migrant labours, predominantly from Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha working on the field. And many locals (primarily women) are employed in garment factories.

Looking at the potential to serve the underprivileged section of the society, Aikya team decided to support the school with quality education.

Name of the School:- PUPS, Gummalapuram

Address:- PUPS, Gummalapuram village, Thally Block, Krishnagiri district, Tamilnadu

Initiative/Engagement Details:

Aikya Trust has done setup for foundational literacy/numeracy and deployed teacher for execution, while also training the existing teachers in the school. The overall engagement is going to benefit 109 underprivileged children from Class 1 to Class 5.

Aikya trust started engagement on August 15, 2024 by planting varieties of fruit and flower trees in the premises, as a goodwill gesture


Academic: Playway/TLM Material:

Lerner’s world’s playway material price list

JodoGyan Price List


  • 2 classrooms
  • 1 activity room
  • Assembly/Lunch Shed

Quotation for rooms

Agreement: with SMC (school management committee and parents)